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Tools j9k

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j9k’s a2d dspLoad 19.80/16.70/16.60

j9k’s d2a dspLoad 8.00/4.70/4.80

bit reduction and reconstruction modules.

The graph shows the input (ramp) and the outputs (Msb - top, Lsb - bottom).

j9k’s comment about these modules:

"there are only 8 bits there and the purpose of it was to be able to rearrange the bits or perform some other operation on a few of them."

available on Ben Walker’s website

j9k’s rotation xy

dspLoad: 9.40/6.20/6.20

j9k: "it uses sin/cos lfo to rotate a vector image. the demo is in an m2 shell but wth m3 mdl's. the xfade mdl's push the image into the proper quadrant for amplitude modulation."

j9k’s to Knobs:

dspLoad 1.20

modular FOAM module. Procedure:

Connect a mod source to one of the modules’ inputs. Assign a CC# to the (now moving) knob above it

=> Modular’s MidiOut will transmit the values as MidiCC data.

available on Ben Walker’s website

j9k's comparator:

dspLoad 2.30/4.30/3.50     

outputs 2147483647 when an incoming control message on “+” is smaller than the one on “-”

outputs -2147483647 when an incoming control message on “+” is greater than the one on “-”

available on Ben Walker’s website

j9k’s to Trapezoid:

dspLoad 24.10/20.80/20.80

sine(out) / cosine(out0) lfo with integrated envelope.

controls for attack/hold/release/off time,

attack/hold/release/off slope

attack/hold/release/off mod.

The big knob under the J9k logo controls the lfo rate.

The two >off< buttons have to be pressed to get an output. Unfortunately they don’t work no more in SFP4.5. Workaround: Midi CC to engage the buttons.

j9k’s xy amo:

dspLoad 0.50/0.40/2.50

visualization of the two signals connected to the inputs.

j9k's dirdect:

DspLoad: 6.30/5.80/4.50

dir(ection)det(ector) outputs 2147483647 when an incoming waveform is headed down and

outputs -2147483647 when an incoming waveform is headed up.