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I've put j9K's 4quadmult module in here because it fits to the Ringmodulation module.

Default installation path: .../Effects/

out= x/y.                                     dspLoad 1.20/0.30/1.20

out= In1 x In2.   dspLoad 0.40

out= (In1 x In2) x (In3xIn4)            dspLoad 3.20/6.50/3.20

Available on Ben Walker's Modular Corner website.

two microdelays with separate tuning, damp, volume, and invert settings.

delaytime of the first delay and overall damping can be modulated.

good for karplusStrong or drone sounds.

mp3 example                                         dspLoad 17.20/-

if inB exceed a given threshold, it is sent to the output.

module is oversized (modules cannot be placed directly below it)                                                  dspLoad 11.40

used to limit the change in a signal.

                                            dspLoad 17.00/13.70/13.70

<-input: square wave

<-SlewLimiter:A=mid position, R=min to max modulation

similiar to QuadSubOctave, but w/ two inputs and [Mod] controls and inputs to modulate the gain of the four octaves.

dspLoad 17.30/14.10/14.10

processed audio can be slightly to heavily deformed, depending on Frq, Amt, and DryWet settings.

dspLoad 34.70/31.50/-

<- input wave: saw

<- waveAnimator: Freq varies from min to max

audio shaper for three input sources.

modes: noChng, Y/Zsat, Y/Zsq

dspLoad 13.20/10.00/9.90

<-input X-sine, Y-tri, Z-sawUp; mode: noChng

<-same as above; mode: YZsq

input signal level is constantly tracked and  separated into five threshold zones, each  turned into a pulsewave-like waveform, with individual  pulsewidth settings. Slope control; Rel control for smoothing.

heavy distortion of the incoming signal.

                                            dspLoad 22.00/18.80/18.70

input signal level is constantly tracked and separated into five threshold zones, each  turned into a pulsewave-like waveform, with individual  pulsewidth settings. Slope control; Rel control for smoothing.

heavy distortion of the incoming signal.

                                            dspLoad 22.00/18.80/18.70