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MIDI: Tools

Default installation path S|C: .../MIDI/Tools/

Modules for filtering, routing, modulating, and splitting up Midi messages.

dspLoad 0.00

2x split and transpose.

dspLoad 0.00

define keyzone and transpose.

dspLoad 0.00

small version of the above, by Alfonso.   PlanetZ download

dspLoad 0.00

j9k 8xkeyzone with merger.

available on Ben Walker’s website.

dspLoad 0.00

jdspLoad 0.00

jdspLoad 0.00

Sends program changes by note numbers.

Root noteNr. is 60.                                    dspLoad 0.00

all Fra77 modules below available in one zip file here (planetz download).

Provides Midi output1 and Sequencer destination1 from within the Modular. Midi output1 and Sequencer destination1 have to be removed from the Project window. Works only if at least one PulsarG2 cards is in your setup.                                                      dspLoad 0.60

For use with MDS8 drumsequencer module.

First instrument (“Bassdrum”) will trigger C3/60 on MidiCh1, next (“Snare”) C3/60 on MidiCh2 a.s.o.

dspLoad 0.00

For use with MDS8 drumsequencer module.

First instrument (“Bassdrum”) will trigger C3/60, the next (“Snare”) B2/59 a.s.o.

dspLoad 0.00

incoming Midi notes (range c1/36-d#2/51) are transformed in the following way:

all notes are transposed to c3; the midiCh will be changed according to their noteNr.:1(c1) to 16 (d#2).

dspLoad 0.00

the module simply multiplies incoming midi notes. Because Midi is a serial interface, each note will be a little bit delayed, producing a thicker sound.

“Voices” setting in the Modular has to be adjusted + polyOut module added.

Can also be used with external synths: MidiIn=>Unison6=>MidiOut=>Synth.

Made by Alfonso.    dspLoad 0.00        PlanetZ download

converts unipolar async values to midi cc messages.

dspLoad 1.80/1.90/5.00           

made by Wolf Audio Design

converts unipolar async values to note messages.dspLoad dspLoad: 10.40/7.20/7.20    

made by Wolf Audio Design