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Filter: Highpass

Default installation path S|C: .../Filter/Highpass/

Default installation path Flexor: .../-=Flexor=-/Filters/Hi-Pass/

dspLoad 1.00/1.00/1.00

dspLoad 8.80/5.60/5.60

dspLoad 6.70/6.00/4.80

Can go into self-oscillation at high resonance settings, even without any input signal present.

This is a one-pole (6db) high-pass filter. It is the basic building block of all the FleXor filters. It is ideal for creating your own filter combinations or when a mild filtering effect is needed. Its modulation inputs are optimized to receive audio-rate modulation sources.  (Flexor Manual)

dspLoad 8.40/5.10/5.10                                       Poly:16

This is a four-pole (24db) high-pass filter. Its sharp yet silky character is ideal for creating classic leads, pads and riffs. Its modulation inputs are optimized to receive audio-rate modulation sources (like oscillators) to create amazing filter modulation effects. (Flexor Manual)

dspLoad 30.30/27.10/27.10                                   Poly:3

This is a four-pole (24db) high-pass filter with a unique feature: it enables free routing from any stage (1 to 4) within the internal filter structure, to be sent to the final audio output of the filter. The resonance has a unique sound character, as it is always fed-back from the fourth filter stage, no matter which stage is selected to be heard. This filter’s harmonic character is more complex than standard High-Pass filters, making it ideal for interesting pad and lead sounds. (Flexor Manual)

dspLoad 32.30/29.10/-                                          Poly:3

This is an eight-pole (48db) high-pass filter. Its slope is twice as steep as the more common four-pole or 24db filter type. The deep slope produces an extreme result of filtered sound, with a clean yet powerful, edgy character. It is great for aggressive sharp filter sweeps, filtering drums and more.  (Flexor Manual)

dspLoad 43.20/40.00/-                                          Poly:2

This is an eight-pole (48db) High-Pass filter. It has an extra steep slope for producing extreme results. It is great for aggressively sharp filter sweeps, filtering drums and more with a very powerful, sharp and edgy character to the filtered sound.  (Flexor Manual)

dspLoad 34.50/32.20/-                                          Poly:3

2 channel version of the above.

Max. polyphony: 9

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