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Envelope modules: Flexor Multisegment

Default installation path: ...-=Flexor=-/Envelopes/Multi Segment/

Text copied from Flexor Manual.

These modules are not individual envelopes, but rather the building blocks for one modular

envelope that can be connected in various ways to create complex envelopes. These are the separate stags of the envelope:

Attack: can be used only as the first stage of an envelope. And controls the time It takes to

reach from 0 (or from the release value if connected) to the next stage's level.

1st Step: can be used only as the first stage of an envelope, and allows starting the envelope

from a specific value each time.

•Mid Step: can be only used in the middle of an envelope, and can be chained endlessly

together to create complex envelopes

•Sustain: can be only used in the middle of an envelope and sets the sustain level when

connected to a previous module.

•Loop: This module enables a looping mechanism for the envelope and can be connected

anywhere in the middle of the envelope chain.

•Release: can be only used at the end of an envelope. When a gate off signal is received it will

sample the output of the envelope and slowly decay to minimum.

The multi segment envelopes have shortcuts in the name to distinguish them easily:

• MSE stands for Multi Segment Envelope – the simplest form of the envelope.

• MSEC stands for Multi Segment Envelope with a Curve option.

• mod means the envelope segment is capable of being modulated

Most of the envelope stages have the following controls:

• Level – The initial level at which the stage starts.

• Time – The time it takes to reach the next stage's initial level

MSE 1st Step:     DspLoad 10.80/7.60/7.60

Poly: 16

MSE Attack:        DspLoad 11.20/8.00/7.90

Poly: 15

MSE MidStep:      DspLoad 12.30/9.00/9.00

Poly: 16

MSE Sustain:       DspLoad 1.30/1.30/1.30

Poly: 16

MSE Sust.Mod:    DspLoad 2.40/4.30/3.60

Poly: 16

MSE Release:      DspLoad 13.30/10.10/10.10

Poly: 15

MSE Loop:           DspLoad 2.30/4.30/3.50

Poly: 16

Connecting the envelopes is very simple, always connect the P (previous) pad to the N (Next). It is possible to integrate other modules in the chain in many ways. Knowing what each connection does is the key to using these envelopes to the maximum:

P1: This is an output of level information to the previous stage. This is the value which the previous

stage will interpolate to. Normally it should be connected to the N1 pad of the previous module.

P2: This is an input for sync signal – this is the way the stage knows when to kick in. it can be operated

with a ramp or pulse signal. Normally it should be connected to the N2 pad of the previous module.

P3: This is the envelope signal input – this is where the envelopes signal is constructed. It is possible to

feed the envelope any audio source you want to be played until the stage overrides it. Normally it

should be connected to the N3 pad of the previous module.

N1: This is an input for the next stage level. This is the value which the current stage will interpolate to.

It can be a sustain module, another envelope, an LFO or any other modulation source. Normally it

should be connected to the P1 pad of the next module.

N2: This is an output of sync signal – the sync signal is a progressing ramp with the duration of the

stage. This output can be used as a modulator as well. Normally it should be connected to the P2

pad of the next module.

N3: This is the output of the envelope itself – this is where the envelopes signal is constructed. It is

possible to use this as an envelope output. Normally it would connect to the P3 pad f the next


Important Note - For all FleXor envelopes connect the MVC’s Gate output to its Esync input in

order to cross-link them together, otherwise the MVC will not be activated. This process is

unnecessary if you are using an additional Creamware envelope with Esync in your patch.

MSEC 1st Step:        DspLoad 12.90/9.60/9.70

Poly: 14

MSEC 1st Step Mod: DspLoad 15.00/11.80/11.80

Poly: 14

MSEC Attack:           DspLoad 13.30/10.00/10.00

Poly: 11

MSEC Attack Mod:    DspLoad 14.30/11.10/11.10

Poly: 11

MSEC MidStep:         DspLoad 14.30/11.10/11.10

Poly: 11

MSEC MidStep Mod:  DspLoad 16.50/13.20/13.30

Poly: 11

MSEC Release:         DspLoad 15.40/12.20/12.10

Poly: 9

MSEC Release Mod:  DspLoad 16.50/13.20/13.30

Poly: 9