Default installation path: .../-=Flexor=-/Shapers/Formantors/
"These modules shape FleXor’s NBL oscillators into formant-enriched waveforms and allow
modulation of the formants’ frequencies. Great for creating vocal-like sounds and formant
oscillators!" (Flexor Manual)
dspLoad 18.90/15.70/15.70
"This shaper shapes any FleXor NBL saw-shaped oscillator into a saw with a single strong formantemphasis.
The sound resembles a very narrow and resonant band-pass filter, following the pitch of the oscillator. Fixed formants are possible by connecting the note output of the MVC to the key follow input of NBL 4mantor and setting the key follow knob fully to the left. This shaper is also effective on other wave-shapes although the results may vary. It is excellent for making punchy bass sounds as well as filter-like sweeps." (Flexor Manual)
Max poly:7
dspLoad 35.80/32.70
"This shaper shapes any FleXor NBL saw-shaped oscillator into a saw with two strong formant-emphasis
frequencies. The sound resembles two very narrow and
resonant band-pass filters, following the pitch of the
oscillator. Fixed formants are possible by connecting
the note output of the MVC to the note input of 4mantor
and setting the key follow knobs to the extreme left. By
modulating both of the formants at once, vocal-like vowels can be generated. The shift function will modulate the formants in parallel. This shaper is also effective on other wave-shapes although the results may vary." (Flexor Manual) Max poly:3
dspLoad 65.60
"This shaper shapes any FleXor NBL saw-shaped
oscillator into a saw with three strong formant-emphasis
frequencies. The sound resembles three very narrow
and resonant band-pass filters, following the pitch of
the oscillator. Fixed formants are possible by connecting the note output of the MVC to the note input of 4mantor and setting the key follow knobs fully to the left. By modulating all of the formants at once, vocallike vowels can be generated. The shift function will modulate the formants in parallel. This shaper is also effective on other wave-shapes although the results may vary." (Flexor Manual) Max poly:2
dspLoad 21.60/18.40/18.40
"This shaper shapes any FleXor NBL saw-shaped
oscillator to a saw with four strong formant-emphasis
frequencies. The sound resembles four very narrow and
resonant band-pass filters, following the pitch of the
oscillator. Fixed formants are possible by connecting
the note output of the MVC into the note input of
4mantor and setting the key follow knobs to negative.
By modulating all of the formants at once, vocal like
vowels can be generated. This shaper is also effective
on other wave-shapes yet the results may vary. This
shift function will modulate the formants in a parallel
manner." (Flexor Manual) Max poly:monophonic