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Shapers: Osc Shapers

Default installation path: .../-=Flexor=-/Shapers/Osc Shapers/

"These Shapers are responsible for changing oscillators' waveshapes. For example, you can

extract 4 octaves from a sine or triangle wave (4 Sin Oct / 4 Tri Oct), or shape a triangle to sine (Tri 2

Sin)."  (Flexor Manual)

dspLoad 6.30/5.50/4.30

"a wave-shaper that uses sine and cosine waveforms to generate the first 4 harmonics of the fundamental frequency. The harmonics are aligned at 0 degrees which makes it ideal for additive synthesis. It has two inputs (sine and cosine – sine at 90 deg) and 4 outputs (one for each harmonic overtone)." (Flexor Manual)  Max poly:16

Additive8: See above; 8 harmonics, 8 outs   

Max poly:9                       dspLoad  12.70/9.50/9.50

Additive16: See above; 16 harmonics, 16outs

Max poly:4                       dspLoad 23.10/19.90/19.90

dspLoad 8.70/5.40/5.40

"This shaper, when fed with a sine shaped oscillator,

generates 4 additional upper octaves at 4 separate

outputs. This makes it easy to create impressive multilayered sounds without the need to use more than one oscillator." (Flexor Manual)  Max poly:16

dspLoad 8.70/5.40/5.40

"This shaper, when fed with a triangle shaped oscillator, generates 4 additional upper octaves at 4 separate outputs. This makes it easy to create impressive multi-layered sounds without the need to use more than one oscillator." (Flexor Manual)  Max poly:16

dspLoad 9.50/6.30/6.30

"This module generates a pulse signal (min and max)

as the incoming signal crosses the zero-crossing point

while heading in a positive direction. The shaper toggles

the output signal between 1 and -1 (this process is also

known as a ‘flip-flop’). The result is a pulse shaped signal, tuned exactly one octave below the incoming signal. This shaper can be used to create the classic ”sub-oscillator” effect, without actually using an additional oscillator." (Flexor Manual)  Max poly:14

dspLoad 9.50/6.30/6.30

"This module shapes any FleXor NBL sawtooth

oscillator into a phase shifted version of itself, in a

dynamic manner (not just the phase start point). It is

useful for creating massive detuned saw patches with

only one NBL sawtooth oscillator. This module is

optimized for audio rate modulation, which makes it very useful for Phase Modulation (FM-like)

operations." (Flexor Manual)  Max poly:16

dspLoad 6.10/2.90/3.00

"This module shapes any FleXor NBL sawtooth oscillator into a powerful-sounding pulse, with a variable Pulse-Width function to create classic Pulse waveforms from fat and symmetric to piercing and razor-thin. Modulate the Pulse-Width for evolving and wide pads, or an ensemble-like effect of several oscillators playing together." (

Flexor Manual)  Max poly:16

dspLoad 11.80/8.60/8.60

"This module shapes any FleXor NBL sawtooth oscillator into a triangular or near-perfect sine waveshape, which makes it very useful for FM operations. The near-perfect sine wave-shape has a slight harmonic coloration (3rd harmonic at -50db), giving it a unique sound character of its own." (Flexor Manual)  Max poly:16

dspLoad 40.80/37.60/-

"This shaper divides the incoming signal into four amplitude sections, providing control over the amplitude and polarity of each section. Mixing between the four sections constructs new waveshapes, and the amplitude of each section can be modulated, enabling the creation of dynamically evolving sound textures." (Flexor Manual) Max poly:2

dspLoad 8.60/5.30/5.40

"This module shapes triangular waveforms into sine

ones. The Amount knob controls the transition between

triangle and sine wave-shapes. This module is useful for

FM and Phase Modulation tasks." (Flexor Manual)  

Max poly:16