In Maschine, you have to distinguish between two basic types of Plug-Ins: Instrument and Effects PlugIns. Sub-types are:
- Instruments:
- Sampler, to play back samples. Automatically loaded in the first Plug-In slot when adding a Sample to a Group.
- Drumsynths: Little monophonic internal instruments (Kick, Snare, HiHat, Tom, Percussion).
- NI instruments: all NI KOMPLETE instruments are tightly integrated in Maschine (Use latest updates / Service Center).
- External VST/AU instrument PlugIns.
- Effects:
- Internal Effects: A bunch of Plg-Ins, like Compressor, EQ, Filter, Chorus, Reverbs, Distortion, are ialready included in Maschine installation.
- NI Effects: all KOMPLETE Fx are tightly integrated in Maschine.
- External VST/AU effects PlugIns.
Plug-Ins can be edited in the Control Area by clicking the Plug-In icon
, or in Mixer view (only basic Plug-In parameter editing).
The Sample itself can be edited (truncated, reversed, stretched...) in the Sample Editor, or (only basic) in Mixer view .
Almost all parameters can be automated in the Control Area.